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SYBASE SQL SERVER 的用户管理是很复杂的,但首先掌握以上的内容,便对掌握SYBASE SQL SERVER的用户管理有了一定的基础






集中式与分布式一体化融合在大会首日主会场1最后一位带来分享的嘉宾是OceanBase首席架构师杨志丰,他在题为《OceanBase 4.0:单机分布式一体化的技术演进》的演讲中表示:从2014年OceanBase 0.5版本开始,经过多年多版本的更新,OceanBase逐渐演进的越来越成熟,并在TPC-C国际权威的OLTP评测中表现突出,具有很好的扩展性



MySQL性能优化全攻略(mysql sql性能优化)导读 数据库性能优化涉及到系统硬件和软件的方方面面,本文讨论的主要是编译和配置优化、服务器参数调整、如何选用合适的表类型,以及如何用数据库内建的命令辅助分析和优化性能,特别是如何用EXPLAIN辅助优化查询的性能

该ReadXml方法读取 XML 流或文档的内容并将数据加载到 DataSet 中

If DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS is too low, users will not have enough memory to operateefficiently. If DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS is too high, your system may begin to swap and may come to a halt.DETERMINE IF THE DATA BLOCK BUFFERS IS SET HIGH ENOUGHselect 1-(sum(decode(name, ''physical reads'', value,0))/(sum(decode(name, ''db block gets'', value,0)) +(sum(decode(name, ''consistent gets'', value,0))))) * 100"Read Hit Ratio"from v$sysstat;Read Hit Ratio98.415926Although hit ratios below 90-95% are usually a sign of poor indexing; Distortion of the hit ration numbers is possible.See the next section for more information.Response Time in MinutesBuffers at200% ofOptimumBuffers atOptimumBuffers at50% ofOptimumBuffers at20% ofOptimumBuffers at5% ofOptimum0100200300400Figure 1: Response Time for a Memory Intensive Report with given SGA (Buffer) settingsHIT RATIO DISTORTIONEven though the equations for finding a problems seems easy, sometimes the results are not accurate. Many thirdparty products also receive this misinformation, yet some go to other areas to get the correct information. Below, Ishow one such case where misinformation is returned.Deploying, Managing, and Administering the Oracle Internet PlatformPaper #224/ Page 3There are also false hit ratio distortions. SQL*Forms can cause a false high hit ratio, rollback segments can cause afalse high hit ratio impact and indexes can have hit ratios as high as 86% when none of the blocks were cached priorto the query executing.C. IT IS IMPORTANT TO LOOK AT THE SHARED_POOL_SIZE FOR PROPER SIZINGWith a greater amount of procedures, packages and triggers being utilized with Oracle, the SHARED_POOL_SIZEmakes up a much greater portion of the Oracle SGA. This is the memory allocated for the library and data dictionarycache. If the SHARED_POOL_SIZE is set too low then you will not get the full advantage of yourDB_BLOCK_BUFFERS.DETERMINE DICTIONARY CACHE MISS RATIOselect sum(gets) “Gets”, sum(getmisses) “Misses”,(1 - (sum(getmisses) / (sum(gets) +sum(getmisses))))*100 “HitRate”from v$rowcache;Gets Misses HitRate10233 508 95.270459This would be a good Ratio and would probably not require action in this area.DETERMINE LIBRARY CACHE HIT RATIOselect sum(pins) Executions, sum(pinhits) “Execution Hits”,((sum(pinhits) / sum(pins)) * 100) phitrat,sum(reloads) Misses,((sum(pins) / (sum(pins) + sum(reloads))) * 100) hitratfrom v$librarycache;Executions Execution Hits PHITRAT Misses HITRAT3,582 3,454 96.43 6 99.83If the hit ratio or reloads is high, increase the shared_pool_size INIT.ora parameter.HOW MUCH MEMORY IS LEFT FOR SHARED_POOL_SIZEcol value for 999,999,999,999 heading “Shared Pool Size”col bytes for 999,999,999,999 heading “Free Bytes”select to_number(v$parameter.value) value, v$sgastat.bytes,(v$sgastat.bytes/v$parameter.value)*100 “Percent Free”from v$sgastat, v$parameterwhere v$sgastat.name = ''free memory''and v$ parameter .name = ‘shared_pool_size;Shared Pool Size Free Bytes Percent Free100,000,000 82,278,960 82.27896Deploying, Managing, and Administering the Oracle Internet PlatformPaper #224/ Page 4A BETTER QUERYselect sum(ksmchsiz) Bytes, ksmchcls Statusfrom x$ksmspgroup by ksmchcls;BYTES STATUS350,000 R-free40 R-freea25,056 free2,571,948 freeabl4,113,872 perm1,165,504 recrIf there is free memory then there is no need to increase this parameter.You can also view the init.ora parameters in Oracle‘s Enterprise Manager as shown below. The add/modify chartand the result of this query are shown in the two displays below.D. TRY TO SORT IN MEMORY INSTEAD OF IN TEMPORARYThe INIT.ora parameter SORT_AREA_SIZE will allocate memory for sorting (per user / as needed)


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