? 南大通用-GBase作为老牌的数据库厂商,对南大通用的了解还是停留在GBase 8a MPP数据库上
从火到爆炸的 +AI、到红得发紫的+智能,从理论、到实践;各路大咖把当下互联网最热门的产品和方案尽数拆解个遍
例如,对于网上书店的数据库文件,不要简单地命名为“book.mdb”或“store.mdb”,而是要起个非常规的名字,例如:faq19jhsvzbal.mdb,再把它放在如./akkjj16t/kjhgb661/acd/avccx55 之类的深层目录下
管理员应尽快安装更新,以免无法进行修复,临时解决方案是在数据库服务器配置中禁用符号链接支持,在my.cnf中设置symbolic-links = 0
在今年11月份举办的SQL PASS大会上,微软也透露了SQL Server内存数据库的内幕信息
coprocessors由3个部分组成:Coprocessor interface定义的回调函数如下:1、preOpen, postOpen: Called before and after the region is reported as online to the master.2、preFlush, postFlush: Called before and after the memstore is flushed into a new store file.? 3、preCompact, postCompact: Called before and after compaction. ? ?4、preSplit, postSplit: Called after the region is split. 5、preClose and postClose: Called before and after the region is reported as closed to the master.RegionObserver interface定义的回调函数如下:? 1、 preGet, postGet: Called before and after a client makes a Get request.? 2、 preExists, postExists: Called before and after the client tests for existence using a Get. 3、 prePut and postPut: Called before and after the client stores a value. 4、 preDelete and postDelete: Called before and after the client deletes a value. 5、 preScannerOpen postScannerOpen: Called before and after the client opens a new scanner. 6、 preScannerNext, postScannerNext: Called before and after the client asks for the next row on a scanner. 7、 preScannerClose, postScannerClose: Called before and after the client closes a scanner.8、 preCheckAndPut, postCheckAndPut: Called before and after the client calls checkAndPut().? 9、 preCheckAndDelete, postCheckAndDelete: Called before and after the client calls checkAndDelete().EndPoint可以让我们将执行代码逻辑动态进入Server端,并让其执行
IBM System x3650 M4(7915I51)? IBM System x3650 M4最大多达2个八核英特尔至强E5-2600系列处理器;内存方面最大可支持24个插槽,高达768GB (UDIMM/RDIMM/LRDIMM/HCDIMM);磁盘托架能够支持8块2.5英寸的磁盘驱动器,如果再增加另一个磁盘托架,可以支持16个磁盘驱动器
SQL> call readmaxpro();maxpro 的当前进行状态为23调用完成